On the physical content of Maxwell's equations. Part 2


  • V. I. Piskunov


system of Maxwell equations, electromagnetic induction, wave equation, electromagnetic waves, physical content of equations, displacement currents in vacuum, magnetic field of the capacitor, Coulomb field, vortex field


The analysis of the Maxwell electrodynamics equations is continued. Taking into account the results of the analysis in the first part of the paper, as well as the results of an experiment performed to test Maxwell's hypothesis about displacement currents in vacuum, and on the basis of logical analysis, the author concludes that Maxwell's equation and rotB/μ = j + ε∂E/∂t is incorrect. Based on the results of the analysis presented in the first and second parts of the article, the author came to the conclusion that the equations rotE = –∂B/∂t and rotB/μ = j + ε∂E/∂t are not correct, since the conventional physical meaning of these equations does not correspond to the real physical laws. It is proposed to begin to eliminate the discovered errors from the return to the law of electromagnetic induction (EMI), which corresponds to the purely Faraday idea, according to which the EMI phenomena are caused solely by the relative motion of charged particles and a magnetic field. It is proposed to correct the magnetic component of the Lorentz force


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How to Cite

Piskunov, V. I. (2016). On the physical content of Maxwell’s equations. Part 2. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 16(3-4), 71–78. Retrieved from https://physics.socionic.info/index.php/physics/article/view/485


