Construction of the theory of the evolution of the periodic table of chemical elements


  • A. M. Drozdov
  • A. A. Makarenya
  • A. L. Jochov


chemical elements, Mendeleev periodic table


Quantum-mechanical theory explained the reason for the periodicity in the structure of atoms of chemical ele-ments and found a correlation between place of element, group and period in quantum numbers. But this theory has not found such correlation for the largest known structural units of the system - the dyad. In this research, such a correlation is found based on the proposed theory of the evolution of the periodic system. The theory is constructed by statistical processing of the data of the physical properties of elements and power of periods and dyads in the periodic system. The result of the statistics obtained as a sample of the larger structure of the periodic system, called metaperiod. It is possible to calculate the upper limit of the periodic system, to build its complete form and implement quantitative forecast values of the physical properties of elements 7-11 periods.


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How to Cite

Drozdov, A. M., Makarenya, A. A., & Jochov, A. L. (2015). Construction of the theory of the evolution of the periodic table of chemical elements. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics, 15(2), 45–53. Retrieved from


